1. |
H.H. Becher: |
Effect of the change of accompanying cation of mineral nitrogen fertilizers on soil physical properties |
vol. 19, nr. 2
(2005), pp. 91-97
(get PDF ) |
2. |
J.A. Budny, J. Fornal, R. Amarowicz, R.B. Pegg: |
Improved method of wheat starch isolation for friabilin analysis |
vol. 19, nr. 2
(2005), pp. 99-107
(get PDF ) |
3. |
V.Y. Chertkov: |
Intersecting-surfaces approach to soil structure |
vol. 19, nr. 2
(2005), pp. 109-118
(get PDF ) |
4. |
E. Domian, K. Poszytek: |
Wheat flour flowability as affected by water activity, storage time and consolidation |
vol. 19, nr. 2
(2005), pp. 119-124
(get PDF ) |
5. |
F. Eulenstein, J. Leśny, B.H. Chojnicki, A. Kędziora, J. Olejnik : |
Analysis of the interrelation between the heat balance structure, type of plant cover and weather conditions |
vol. 19, nr. 2
(2005), pp. 125-130
(get PDF ) |
6. |
C.A. Igwe, D. Nwokocha: |
Influence of soil properties on the aggregate stability of a highly degraded tropical soil in Eastern Nigeria |
vol. 19, nr. 2
(2005), pp. 131-139
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7. |
A. Łapko: |
Thermal fields in grain during storage – their sources and effects
on silo structure reliability
vol. 19, nr. 2
(2005), pp. 141-146
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8. |
E. Makarska, K. Szwed-Urbaś: |
Genetic conditionings of the quality of grain of new lines of Triticum durum Desf. |
vol. 19, nr. 2
(2005), pp. 147-152
(get PDF ) |
9. |
M. Omid, A. Shafaei: |
Temperature and relative humidity changes inside greenhouse |
vol. 19, nr. 2
(2005), pp. 153-158
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10. |
Cr. Paltineanu: |
Comparison between experimental and estimated crop evapotranspiration in Romania |
vol. 19, nr. 2
(2005), pp. 159-164
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11. |
J. Pranagal, J. Lipiec, H. Domżał: |
Changes in pore size distribution and aggregate stability of two soils under long term tillage systems |
vol. 19, nr. 2
(2005), pp. 165-174
(get PDF ) |
12. |
Z. Rzedzicki, W. Błaszczak: |
Impact of microstructure in modelling physical properties of cereal extrudates |
vol. 19, nr. 2
(2005), pp. 175-186
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13. |
V. Vozárová: |
Thermophysical properties of granular food materials |
vol. 19, nr. 2
(2005), pp. 187-192
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