International Agrophysics |
publisher: | Institute of Agrophysics
Polish Academy of Sciences
Lublin, Poland |
0236-8722 |
vol. 19, nr. 2 (2005)
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Genetic conditionings of the quality of grain of new lines of Triticum durum Desf. |
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E. Makarska1, K. Szwed-Urbaś2 |
1 Department of Chemistry, University of Agriculture,Akademicka 15, 20-934 Lublin, Poland |
2 Institute of Genetics and Plant Breeding, University of Agriculture,Akademicka 15, 20-934 Lublin, Poland |
vol. 19 (2005), nr. 2,
pp. 147-152
. Kernels of 6 new lines of durum wheat cultivated in the climatic and soil conditions of the Lublin region were studied in detail with respect to their physico-chemical and technological characteristics. The analyzed lines were characterized by high values of the hardness index ranging from 82.2 to 86.9 and high gluten percentage – more than 36.2%. The values for the falling number for lines LGR 900/3a, LGR 1359/8, LGR 899/62a and LGR 8/780/90 were favourable and they ranged between 400 and 350 s. Analysis of gliadin subunits (A-PAGE) showed high polymorphism of these proteins and the presence of subunits 45-g and 42-g occurring with varying frequency in the studied lines. Identification of high molecular weight glutenins (SDS-PAGE) pointed to average values of the coefficient Glu-1. Kernels of lines LGR 896/64a, LGR 896/23 and LGR 8/780/90 had the same composition of HMW glutenins on 1B 7+8. An evaluation of the grains of the new lines indicates their good adjustment to the agroclimatic conditions and possibility of further cultivation of durum wheat.
durum wheat, physico-chemical characteristics of grain, A-PAGE of gliadin proteins, SDS-PAGE of glutenin proteins