1. |
O.A. Ajayi , O.K. Owolarafe: |
Temperature variation in a sawdust oven using different wood species |
vol. 21, nr. 4
(2007), pp. 311-316
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2. |
W. Burubai, A.J. Akor, A.H. Igoni, Y.T. Puyate: |
Effect of loading rate and pre-heating time on the strength properties
of African nutmeg (Monodora myristica)
vol. 21, nr. 4
(2007), pp. 317-322
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3. |
S. Jezierska-Tys , M. Frąc*: |
CO2, N2O and NH3 emissions from two different type of soils as affected by applications of dairy sewage sludge |
vol. 21, nr. 4
(2007), pp. 323-328
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4. |
M. Khanali, M. Ghasemi Varnamkhasti, A. Tabatabaeefar, H. Mobli: |
Mass and volume modelling of tangerine (Citrus reticulate) fruit with some physical attributes |
vol. 21, nr. 4
(2007), pp. 329-334
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5. |
J. Khazaei, Daneshmandi: |
Modeling of thin-layer drying kinetics of sesame seeds: mathematical and neural networks modeling |
vol. 21, nr. 4
(2007), pp. 335-335
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6. |
A. Koocheki, S.M.A. Razavi, E. Milani, T.M. Moghadam, M. Abedini, S. Alamatiyan, S. Izadkhah : |
Physical properties of watermelon seed as a function of moisture content and variety |
vol. 21, nr. 4
(2007), pp. 349-359
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7. |
S.A. Mahfouz, M.A. Sharaf-Eldin: |
Effect of mineral vs. biofertilizer on growth, yield, and essential oil content of fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.) |
vol. 21, nr. 4
(2007), pp. 361-366
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8. |
E. Mamman, J.O. Ohu, T. Crowther: |
Effect of soil compaction and organic matter on the early growth of maize (Zea mays) in a vertisol |
vol. 21, nr. 4
(2007), pp. 367-375
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9. |
A. Miś, J. Grodek: |
Regression equation for describing gluten thermal expansion |
vol. 21, nr. 4
(2007), pp. 377-383
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10. |
B.S. Ogunsina, A.I. Bamgboye: |
Effects of pre-shelling treatment on the physical properties of cashew nut (Anacardium occidentale) |
vol. 21, nr. 4
(2007), pp. 385-389
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11. |
M. Sharifi, S. Rafiee, A. Keyhani, A. Jafari, H. Mobli, A. Rajabipour, A. Akram: |
Some physical properties of orange (var. Tompson) |
vol. 21, nr. 4
(2007), pp. 391-397
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12. |
A. Szatanik-Kloc, N. Hrebelna, Z. Sokołowska: |
Effect of Pb-stress on selected physicochemical surface properties of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) roots |
vol. 21, nr. 4
(2007), pp. 399-403
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13. |
A. Wysocka, W. Stępniewski, R. Horn: |
Swelling-shrinkage properties and hydraulic conductivity of a compacted coal mine tailing rock likely to be used for landfill capping |
vol. 21, nr. 4
(2007), pp. 405-408
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14. |
A. Zdunek, R. Konskyy, J. Cybulska, K. Konstankiewicz, M. Umeda: |
Visual texture analysis for cell size measurements from confocal images |
vol. 21, nr. 4
(2007), pp. 409-414
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