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International Agrophysics
wydawca:Instytut Agrofizyki
im. B. Dobrzańskiego
w Lublinie
ISSN: 0236-8722

vol. 18, nr. 2 (2004)

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Porosity and water useful for plants in Luvisols created from sandy silt and silt**
(pobierz wersję PDF)
Witkowska-Walczak B., Turski M.
Institute of Agrophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Doświadczalna 4, P.O. Box 201, 20-290 Lublin 27, Poland

vol. 18 (2004), nr. 2, pp. 189-194
streszczenie The results of the studies concerning the total and the differential porosity in Luvisols profiles created from sandy-silt and loess were presented. It has been stated that the total porosity of the soils created from sandy-silt formations was smaller than in the soils of loess origin and the differences were the most evident in the upper parts of the profiles of the forest soils. The amount of macropores in the forest soils, created from both parent materials was considerably higher than in the arable soils, while the soils created from sandy-silt formations were characterized by generally lower amount of mesopores and micropores than in the soils created from loess. The amount of water easily available for plants was considerably lower in the soils created from sandy-silt formations than in the soils of loess origin – it was especially well seen for the forest soils. The amount of water difficult available for plants was generally considerably higher than the amount of water easily available, in all the investigated soil profiles and it practically did not depend on the kind of parent material.
słowa kluczowe porosity, pore size distribution, water useful for plants