
International Agrophysics |
wydawca: | Instytut Agrofizyki
im. B. Dobrzańskiego
w Lublinie |
0236-8722 |
vol. 18, nr. 2 (2004)
poprzedni artykuł wróć do listy artykułów następny artykuł |
Root distribution of apple tree under various irrigation systems
within the hilly region of Romania
| (pobierz wersję PDF ) |
Tanasescu N., Paltineanu C. |
Research Institute for Fruit Growing, 0312 Pitesti-Maracineni, Romania |
vol. 18 (2004), nr. 2,
pp. 175-180
The present paper shows the effects of various irrigation methods on the distribution of roots in the Golden Delicious apple cultivar grafted on MM 106 rootstock under the specific conditions of the hilly region of Pitesti-Maracineni, Southern Romania. The results obtained here showed that a higher influence was induced by the different irrigation treatments to the active tree root cross-sectional area (TRCSA) versus the total TRCSA. A direct, linear and distinctly significant correlation was found between the sum of the total TRCSA and the fruit yield on the one hand, and between the total TRCSA and the annual growth in tree trunk cross-sectional area on the other hand. This study also revealed, from the TRCSA point of view, that in apple tree farming microsprinkler irrigation and drip irrigation would be the best methods to be used under the natural and technological conditions discussed here. They are fully recommended as the best irrigation methods in apple growing extension under similar soil and technology conditions in the temperate climate zone.
słowa kluczowe
root distribution, apple tree, irrigation