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International Agrophysics
wydawca:Instytut Agrofizyki
im. B. Dobrzańskiego
w Lublinie
ISSN: 0236-8722

vol. 16, nr. 2 (2002)

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Changes in strength characteristics of heat-treated wheat grain (communication)
Grochowicz J., Zawiślak K.
Department of Food Engineering and Machinery, University of Agriculture, Doświadczalna 44, 20-236 Lublin, Poland

vol. 16 (2002), nr. 2, pp. 167-170
streszczenie A preliminary study was conducted to determine the effect of a high temperature on some strength characteristics of wheat grain. The grain’s moisture content (15, 20, and 30%) was tested in a microwave oven and a roaster of the ‘jet-sploder’ type. The strength characteristics of heat-treated wheat grain were tested on Instron 4302 apparatus. After heat treatment of grain wetted to 20% moisture content the shearing forces decreased compared to the control grain.
słowa kluczowe wheat grain, microwave, heat treatment, strength characteristics