1. |
G.V. Kharitonova, A.S. Manucharov, N.I. Chernomorchenko, I.A.Pavluykov: |
Electron microscope study of NaCl- and Pb(CH3COO)2-treated kaolinite |
vol. 20, nr. 3
(2006), pp. 177-181
(get PDF ) |
2. |
N. Kuczyńska-Kippen, B. Nagengast, S. Celewicz-Gołdyn: |
Physical-chemical and biological parameters of two neighbouring post-exploitation clay-pits |
vol. 20, nr. 3
(2006), pp. 183-187
(get PDF ) |
3. |
J. Lipiec, J. Ku¶, A. Nosalewicz, M. Turski: |
Tillage system effects on stability and sorptivity of soil aggregates |
vol. 20, nr. 3
(2006), pp. 189-193
(get PDF ) |
4. |
S. Lynikiene, A. Pozeliene, G. Rutkauskas: |
Influence of corona discharge field on seed viability and dynamics of germination |
vol. 20, nr. 3
(2006), pp. 195-200
(get PDF ) |
5. |
H. Orzeszyna, D. Garlikowski, A. Pawłowski: |
Using of geocomposite with superabsorbent synthetic polymers as water retention element in vegetative layers |
vol. 20, nr. 3
(2006), pp. 201-206
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6. |
Y.A. Pachepsky, B.A. Devin, L.M. Polyanskaya, D.R. Shelton, E.V. Shein, A.K. Guber: |
Limited entrapment model to simulate the breakthrough of Arthrobacter
and Aquaspirillum in soil columns |
vol. 20, nr. 3
(2006), pp. 207-218
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7. |
W. Rybiński, B. Szot: |
Estimation of genetic variability of yielding traits and physical properties of seeds
of spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) mutants |
vol. 20, nr. 3
(2006), pp. 219-227
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8. |
W. Skierucha, A. Wilczek, : |
Recent software improvements in moisture (TDR method), matric pressure,
electrical conductivity and temperature meters of porous media |
vol. 20, nr. 3
(2006), pp. 229-235
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9. |
Z. Stępniewska, A. Borkowska, U. Kotowska: |
Phosphorus release from peat soils under flooded conditions
of the Łęczyńsko-Włodawskie Lake District |
vol. 20, nr. 3
(2006), pp. 237-243
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10. |
E. Urbanek, R. Horn: |
Changes in soil organic matter, bulk density and tensile strength of aggregates
after percolation in soils after conservation and conventional tillage |
vol. 20, nr. 3
(2006), pp. 245-254
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11. |
A. Wysocka, W. Stępniewski, R. Horn: |
Shrinkage properties of three clay materials at different temperatures |
vol. 20, nr. 3
(2006), pp. 255-260
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