1. |
Alekseev A., Alekseeva T., Sokołowska Z., Hajnos M.: |
Magnetic and mineralogical properties of different granulometric fractions in the soils of the Lublin Upland Region |
vol. 16, nr. 1
(2002), pp. 1-6
(get PDF ) |
2. |
Becher H.H.: |
Possible effects of soil contamination by light non-aqueous phase liquids (LNAPLs) on soil water parameters and their consequences |
vol. 16, nr. 1
(2002), pp. 7-13
(get PDF ) |
3. |
D±bek-Szreniawska1 M., Sokołowska Z., Wyczółkowski A.I., Hajnos M., Ku¶ J.: |
Biological and physicochemical changes in Orthic Luvisol in relation
to the cultivation system
vol. 16, nr. 1
(2002), pp. 15-21
(get PDF ) |
4. |
Horabik J., Rusinek R.: |
Pressure ratio of cereal grains determined in a uniaxial compression test |
vol. 16, nr. 1
(2002), pp. 23-28
(get PDF ) |
5. |
Hys L., Popko H., Komsta H., Popko R.: |
Research on the influence of the technical conditions of a homogenizer pump on the quality of the process of pressure homgenization |
vol. 16, nr. 1
(2002), pp. 29-32
(get PDF ) |
6. |
Hys L., Popko H., Komsta H., Popko R.: |
Research on the influence of the technical conditions of a homogenizer pump on the quality of the process of pressure homgenization |
vol. 16, nr. 1
(2002), pp. 29-32
(get PDF ) |
7. |
Kornarzyński K., Pietruszewski S., Łacek R.: |
Measurement of the water absorption rate in wheat grain |
vol. 16, nr. 1
(2002), pp. 33-36
(get PDF ) |
8. |
Kusińska E.: |
Model study of the effect of barley grain moisture content on the distribution of horizontal and vertical pressures in a silo |
vol. 16, nr. 1
(2002), pp. 37-42
(get PDF ) |
9. |
Lisowa H., Wujec M., Lis T.: |
Influence of temperature and variety on the thermal properties of apples |
vol. 16, nr. 1
(2002), pp. 43-52
(get PDF ) |
10. |
H. Mayer, 1, A. Mentler, 2, M. Papakyriacou, Rampazzo N., Marxer Y., Blum W.E.H.: |
Influence of vibration amplitude on the ultrasonic dispersion of soils |
vol. 16, nr. 1
(2002), pp. 53-60
(get PDF ) |
11. |
Molenda M., Stasiak M.: |
Determination of the elastic constants of cereal grains in a uniaxial compression test |
vol. 16, nr. 1
(2002), pp. 0-0
(get PDF ) |
12. |
C. Puchalski, Brusewitz G.H., Dobrzański B., Rybczyński R.: |
Relative humidity and wetting affect friction between apple and flat surfaces |
vol. 16, nr. 1
(2002), pp. 67-71
(get PDF ) |
13. |
Skubisz G.: |
Method for the determination of the mechanical properties of pea stems |
vol. 16, nr. 1
(2002), pp. 73-77
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14. |
R. Walczak, Witkowska-Walczak B., Sławiński C.: |
Comparison of correlation models for the estimation of the water retention characteristics of soil |
vol. 16, nr. 1
(2002), pp. 79-82
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