1. |
Brzezińska M., Stępniewski W., Stępniewska Z., Przywara G., Włodarczyk T.: |
Effect of oxygen deficiency on soil dehydrogenase activity in a pot experiment with triticale cv. Jago vegetation |
vol. 15, nr. 3
(2001), pp. 145-149
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2. |
Elias E.A., Salih A.A., Alaily F.: |
Cracking patterns in the vertisols of the Sudan Gezira at the end of dry season |
vol. 15, nr. 3
(2001), pp. 151-155
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3. |
Jeżowski S., Surma M., Adamski T.: |
Genetic control of morphological and physical characteristics determining resistance to lodging in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) |
vol. 15, nr. 3
(2001), pp. 157-160
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4. |
Konstankiewicz K., Pawlak K., Zdunek A.: |
Quantitative method for determining cell structural parameters of plant tissues |
vol. 15, nr. 3
(2001), pp. 161-164
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5. |
Księżopolska A.: |
Assessment of the conditions for the formation of organic-mineral complexes in soils on the basis of surface properties |
vol. 15, nr. 3
(2001), pp. 165-172
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6. |
Laskowski J., Skonecki S.: |
Influence of material's temperature on compression parameters
of ground barley grains |
vol. 15, nr. 3
(2001), pp. 173-179
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7. |
Piekarz J., Lipiec J.: |
Selected physical properties and microbial activity of earthworm casts
and non-ingested soil aggregates |
vol. 15, nr. 3
(2001), pp. 181-184
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8. |
Podleśny J., Misiak L., Koper R.: |
Concentration of free radicals in faba bean seeds after the pre-sowing treatment of the seeds with laser light |
vol. 15, nr. 3
(2001), pp. 185-189
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9. |
J. Sadowska, Budny J., Jeliński T., Fornal J., Grundas S.: |
Variability in the mechanical properties of polish wheat cultivars from various regions |
vol. 15, nr. 3
(2001), pp. 191-195
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10. |
Skubisz G.: |
Development of studies on the mechanical properties of winter rape stems |
vol. 15, nr. 3
(2001), pp. 197-200
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11. |
Szatanik-Kloc A., Józefaciuk G., Masłowski J., Muranyi A., Farkas C.: |
Changes in the surface properties of the young sieve roots
after 24h aluminium stress |
vol. 15, nr. 3
(2001), pp. 201-206
12. |
Szot I., Meland M.: |
Influence of rootstocks on size distribution and fruit quality of sweet cherry cultivars |
vol. 15, nr. 3
(2001), pp. 207-214
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13. |
Zhang M., Li C.L., Ding X.L.: |
Effects of heating on thermal denaturation of several green vegetables suitable for dehydration |
vol. 15, nr. 3
(2001), pp. 0-0
(get PDF ) |
14. |
Złobecki A., Francik S.: |
Defining the damaging process of cereal grains on the basis of artificial neural network |
vol. 15, nr. 3
(2001), pp. 219-223
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