1. |
J. Cierniewski, M. Verbrugghe, S. Białousz, J. Chmiel: |
Directional character of soil surface reflectance in the visible and near-infrared range |
vol. 9, nr. 2
(1995), pp. 83-93
(get PDF ) |
2. |
CA. Igwe, F.O.R. Akamigbo, J.S.C. Mbagwu: |
The use of some soil aggregate indices to assess potential soil loss in soils of south-eastern nigeria |
vol. 9, nr. 2
(1995), pp. 95-100
(get PDF ) |
3. |
W. Olszta, P. Glinski: |
Simulation of the soil water regime for grassland irrigation |
vol. 9, nr. 2
(1995), pp. 101-107
(get PDF ) |
4. |
B. Usowicz: |
Evaluation of methods for soil thermal conductivity calculations |
vol. 9, nr. 2
(1995), pp. 109-113
(get PDF ) |
5. |
M. Flis-Bujak, A. Księżopolska, J. Stawiński, R. Turski: |
The surface properties of humic acids extracted from chernozem and grey-brown podzolic soils |
vol. 9, nr. 2
(1995), pp. 115-123
(get PDF ) |
6. |
N. Rampazzo, A. Mentler, D. Tscherko, M. Pfeffer, W.E.H. Blum: |
Influence of the microbiological activity on the soil aggregate stability |
vol. 9, nr. 2
(1995), pp. 125-129
(get PDF ) |
7. |
S.N. Asoegwu: |
Some physical properties and cracking energy of conophor nuts at different moisture content |
vol. 9, nr. 2
(1995), pp. 131-142
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8. |
H. Chen, F. Duprat, M. Grotte, D. Loonis, E. Pietri: |
INRA-LAMPE, Domaine Saint Paul B.P.91,84143 Montfavet, France |
vol. 9, nr. 2
(1995), pp. 143-151
(get PDF ) |
9. |
V. Lazič, J. Turan: |
Soybean grain resistance to fracture |
vol. 9, nr. 2
(1995), pp. 153-156
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10. |
G. Renard, J.P. Garel: |
Assessment of phytosanitary treatments on different wheat species by a global method, the so-called thesigraphy |
vol. 9, nr. 2
(1995), pp. 157-163
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11. |
W. Woźniak: |
The effect of two types of moisture treatment of wheat grain on endosperm damage |
vol. 9, nr. 2
(1995), pp. 165-170
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