1. |
Dobrzański B., Rybczyński R., Gołacki K.: |
Quality parameter of storage apple as a firmness |
vol. 14, nr. 2
(2000), pp. 149-157
(get PDF ) |
2. |
Fornal J., Sadowska J., Ornowski A., Jeliński T., Velikanov L.: |
Damage resistance and microstructure of barley kernels |
vol. 14, nr. 2
(2000), pp. 159-166
(get PDF ) |
3. |
Frączek J., Kaczorowski J., Ślipek Z.: |
Measurement of grain surface roughness |
vol. 14, nr. 2
(2000), pp. 167-172
(get PDF ) |
4. |
Gorzelany J., Puchalski C.: |
Mechanical properties of sugar beet roots during harvest
and storage |
vol. 14, nr. 2
(2000), pp. 173-179
(get PDF ) |
5. |
Haman J., Konstankiewicz K., Zdunek A.: |
Influence of water potential on the failure of potato tissue |
vol. 14, nr. 2
(2000), pp. 181-186
(get PDF ) |
6. |
Jeżowski S., Adamski T., Surma M., Krajewski P., Leśniewska-Frączak M.: |
Variation of some physical and geometrical stem features
in doubled haploids of barley |
vol. 14, nr. 2
(2000), pp. 187-189
(get PDF ) |
7. |
Kusińska E.: |
Effect of triticale moisture content and slenderness ratio
of a silo on pressure distribution |
vol. 14, nr. 2
(2000), pp. 191-195
(get PDF ) |
8. |
Kuźniar P., Sosnowski S.: |
Attempt to determine bean-pod susceptibility to cracking |
vol. 14, nr. 2
(2000), pp. 197-201
(get PDF ) |
9. |
Miś A., Grundas S., Geodecki M.: |
Changes in hardness and thickness of wheat grain as a result
of its moistening |
vol. 14, nr. 2
(2000), pp. 203-206
10. |
Nadulski R.: |
Methodological aspects of food texture measurements
using tpa test |
vol. 14, nr. 2
(2000), pp. 207-213
(get PDF ) |
11. |
Quenon V., De Baerdemaeker J.: |
Non-destructive method for internal quality determination
of belgian endive (cichorium intybus l.) |
vol. 14, nr. 2
(2000), pp. 215-220
(get PDF ) |
12. |
Rashevskaya T., Guly I., Pryadko M., Nishchenko M., Likhtorovich S.: |
Positron annihilation study of structural relaxation
and crystallization of glassified milk fat |
vol. 14, nr. 2
(2000), pp. 221-225
(get PDF ) |
13. |
Rybiński W.: |
Influence of laser beams on the variability of traits
in spring barley |
vol. 14, nr. 2
(2000), pp. 227-232
(get PDF ) |
14. |
Rzedzicki Z., Szpryngiel B., Sobota A.: |
Estimation of some chosen physical properties of extrudates obtained from corn semolina and oat bran mixtures |
vol. 14, nr. 2
(2000), pp. 233-239
(get PDF ) |
15. |
Sakaguchi E., Favier J.F.: |
Analysis of the shear behaviour of a grain assembly
using dem simulation |
vol. 14, nr. 2
(2000), pp. 241-248
(get PDF ) |
16. |
Schulz H., Quilitzsch R., Drews H.-H., Krüger H.: |
Estimation of minor components in caraway, fennel and carrots
by nirs comparison of results from dispersive
and fourier-transform instruments |
vol. 14, nr. 2
(2000), pp. 249-253
(get PDF ) |
17. |
Tys J., Szwed G.: |
Rapeseed storage and their mechanical strength |
vol. 14, nr. 2
(2000), pp. 255-257
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18. |
Benkeblia N.: |
Food irradiation of agricultural products in algeria. present situation and future developments (a short communication) |
vol. 14, nr. 2
(2000), pp. 259-261
(get PDF ) |
19. |
Miś A.: |
Some methodological aspects of determining wet gluten quality by the glutomatic method (a laboratory note) |
vol. 14, nr. 2
(2000), pp. 263-267
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