1. |
Szabó A.S.: |
Food physics as an important part of food science and applied physics |
vol. 13, nr. 4
(1999), pp. 407-409
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2. |
Szot B., Stępniewski A.: |
Significance of the investigation of physical properties of plant raw material for food industry |
vol. 13, nr. 4
(1999), pp. 411-415
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3. |
Benkeblia N., Selselet-Attou G.: |
Effect of g irradiation and storage time on the ascorbic acid concentration in onion bulbs (Allium cepa L.) |
vol. 13, nr. 4
(1999), pp. 417-420
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4. |
Câmpeanu G., Pele M., Cîmpeanu M.: |
Studies on the rheological properties of the fermentation broth in the production of pectolytic enzymes |
vol. 13, nr. 4
(1999), pp. 421-424
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5. |
Casandroiu T., Ferdes O.S., Oprita N.: |
Comparison between apparent viscosity related to irradiation dose for corn starch and black pepper |
vol. 13, nr. 4
(1999), pp. 425-429
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6. |
Domoradzki M.: |
Determination of germination capability of coated seeds |
vol. 13, nr. 4
(1999), pp. 431-433
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Frączek J., Kaczorowski J., Ślipek Z.: |
Interaction of individual surface microridges in the course of friction between construction walls and plant material |
vol. 13, nr. 4
(1999), pp. 435-438
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Gorzelany J., Bzowska-Bakalarz M.: |
Effect of soil conditions and mechanical characteristics of sugar beet roots on the value of force necessary for pulling them out |
vol. 13, nr. 4
(1999), pp. 439-444
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9. |
Jamroz J., Hajnos M., Sokołowska Z.: |
Application of the mercury porosimetry to the porosity study of wheat flour extrudates |
vol. 13, nr. 4
(1999), pp. 445-449
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10. |
Jamroz J., Sokołowska Z., Hajnos M.: |
Moisture sorption hysteresis in potato starch extrudates |
vol. 13, nr. 4
(1999), pp. 451-455
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11. |
Kornarzyński K., Pietruszewski S.: |
Effect of the stationary magnetic field on the germination of wheat grain |
vol. 13, nr. 4
(1999), pp. 457-461
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12. |
Korpal W.: |
Investigations of the influence of component characteristics of a coat on the germination ability of coated seeds |
vol. 13, nr. 4
(1999), pp. 463-468
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13. |
Kusińska E.: |
Effects of moisture content of grain layers and their arrangement in the silo on the temperature and pressure distribution |
vol. 13, nr. 4
(1999), pp. 469-476
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14. |
Laskowski J., Skonecki S.: |
Influence of moisture on the physical properties and parameters of the compression process of cereal grains |
vol. 13, nr. 4
(1999), pp. 477-482
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15. |
Opielak M.: |
Investigation on the dependence of a quern mill output on the size of grinding slot and grain moisture |
vol. 13, nr. 4
(1999), pp. 487-491
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16. |
Opydo B., Mościcki L.: |
Physical properties of extrusion-cooked vegetable raw materials |
vol. 13, nr. 4
(1999), pp. 493-496
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17. |
Pietruszewski S., Kornarzyński K.: |
Magnetic biostimulation of wheat seeds |
vol. 13, nr. 4
(1999), pp. 497-501
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18. |
Sodkiewicz T., Sodkiewicz W.: |
Effectiveness of fast neutrons irradiation for the stimulation and induction of genetic changes in soybean (Glycine max L. Merrill) genome |
vol. 13, nr. 4
(1999), pp. 503-507
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19. |
Sumorek A., Pietrzyk W.: |
Influence of electric field on the speed of convective removal of water from wheat grain |
vol. 13, nr. 4
(1999), pp. 509-513
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20. |
Szefler J., Weiner W.: |
Effect of grain dust on the friction factor in sliding kinematic pairs of plastic-steel |
vol. 13, nr. 4
(1999), pp. 515-520
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21. |
Zana J.: |
Statistical properties tested on colour difference vectors |
vol. 13, nr. 4
(1999), pp. 521-523
(get PDF ) |
22. |
Zana J., Fekete A., László P., Zsivánovits G., Kővári A.: |
Methods for improving computing methods for the evaluation of rheological properties of fruit |
vol. 13, nr. 4
(1999), pp. 525-527
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