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International Agrophysics
publisher:Institute of Agrophysics
Polish Academy of Sciences
Lublin, Poland
ISSN: 0236-8722

vol. 26, nr. 2 (2012)

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Fourier transform infrared – attenuated total reflection for wheat grain
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E. Suchowilska1, W. Kandler2, M. Wiwart1, R. Krska2
1 Department of Plant Breeding and Seed Production, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, pl. Łódzki 3, 10-727 Olsztyn
2 Center for Analytical Chemistry, Department of Agrobiotechnology, IFA-Tulln, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Konrad-Lorenz-Str. 20, 3430 Tulln, Austria

vol. 26 (2012), nr. 2, pp. 207-210
abstract Mid-infrared regions of the spectrum of grain of four Triticum species were analyzed using Fourier transform infrared – attenuated total reflection. Significant variations were noted in the absorbance of all studied taxa over four wave number ranges. The principal component analysis supported strong discrimination of the four examined species. The percentage of variation explained by the first two principal component analyses reached 95.04%, including principal components 1-72.16% and 2-22.88%. The applied method supports quick identification of the grains of various hulled species of wheat and it is a useful tool for evaluating the seeds and food products obtained from those cereal species.
keywords wheat, grain, Fourier transform infrared –attenuated total reflection, mid-infrared spectroscopy