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International Agrophysics
publisher:Institute of Agrophysics
Polish Academy of Sciences
Lublin, Poland
ISSN: 0236-8722

vol. 20, nr. 1 (2006)

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Testing mechanical properties of food powders in two laboratories - degree of consistency of results
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M. Molenda1, M. Stasiak1, M. Moya2, A. Ramirez3, J. Horabik1, F. Ayuga3
1 Institute of Agrophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Doświadczalna 4, P.O. Box 201, 20-290 Lublin 27, Poland
2 Centro Universitario de Plasencia (University of Extramadura), Avda. Virgen de Puerto, 2 10600 Plasencia (Caceres), Spain
3 ETSI Agronomos (Polytechnic University of Madrid), Avda. Complutense, 28040 Madrid, Spain

vol. 20 (2006), nr. 1, pp. 37-45
abstract Two research groups conducted experiments on the mechanical properties of granular materials of plant origin in two distant laboratories without mutual knowledge about running similar projects. Recently established cooperation of a Spanish research group led by Ayuga and Polish research group led by Horabik allowed for in-depth comparison of results. Materials tested in two locations were: wheat, lentils, rapeseeds, sugar and wheat meal. Material characteristics determined were: strength properties (the angle of internal friction, j and the cohesion, c), the modulus of elasticity, E and the Poisson’s ratio, n. Test equipments applied were: direct shear, triaxial compression and uniaxial compression apparatuses. In general, analysis of results of testing in the two laboratories have shown that to obtain consistent results strict concordance in material state, equipment and test conditions is necessary. To resolve the problem standardization of parameters and methods of their determination should be undertaken on an international level.
keywords granular material, elastic and strength parameters, uniaxial and triaxial tests, direct shear test